E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Fall in love with the world you can’t even see yet

“Perceptual bias affects nut jobs and scientists alike.”—Martha Beck12 dance

India won its freedom from British colonial rule in 1947. Mahatma Gandhi, who led the nonviolent battle, used to say, “India will be independent as soon as its people can see it in their own minds.”

In other words, they had to focus not on what they saw, but on what they wanted to see.

As long as we feel beholden to outside circumstances, put stock in the world as it appears to be, we are stuck in small emotions, small visions.

The world is changing at warp speed. We’re in the midst of the biggest planetary evolution of our time. Those of us who know that an invisible energy realm (what I often call the field of infinite potentiality or the F.P.) governs the material realm are the pioneers who must call forth the new world. A world where everybody belongs, a world where everybody is fed and nurtured and loved.

I realize it doesn’t exactly look like that now, but we–with our thoughts, emotions and consciousness—are being called to play the starring role in the new world that’s being born.

It’s up to us to tap into the world’s natural abundance and joy. It’s up to us to change the story from lack and scarcity to plentitude, from transaction to trust, from fear to love, from separateness to unity. Love and possibilities are everywhere around us except where we suppress it with limited perception.

Everything we need is already here but we must fine-tune our seeing. We must bring forth that which we can’t see yet with our eyes.

Who’s game to join me in this new vision, from problem state to possibility state? Let’s fall in love, let’s be dazzled with the world we’re calling forth. #222 Forever!

And for those who are interested, here are a couple recent podcast interviews.



Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

37 Responses

  1. I’m with you Pam! Sometimes it’s hard to stay the course with all the ‘mindless chatter’ going on around me. I stay away from the news as much as possible, make up songs of positivity to sing in my car and when I’m going for walks, and do everything in my power to keep my vibration and vibration of my loved ones as high as possible. We can get this done if we all laser in on exactly what we want to see. Thank you Pam for the shot of positivity… always welcome!
    Sending Peace, Love and Light,

  2. Thank you! I have been trying to send love to the world and holding love in my heart twice a day or when I remember. This will all pass soon with a brighter, more loving world.

  3. Hey, all you conscious creators…I have a dear friend who is going to need a kidney transplant. I’d sure love it if everyone here could put some of your visualization and manifesting powers towards wonderful outcomes for her, her family, and the donor! Let’s see them all healthy and well, thriving, and living their best lives! Thank you in advance for sharing your amazing powers. xox

  4. hey, Pam, I want to let you know something new about me, first several weeks ago I finally received something I ordered from Budda Power.com a Feng Shuey pendant (bought 1 and got 2, gave the other to my mom). the second is I came up with a new mantra which is ” Focus on the Positive” while wearing my pendant. So what do you think?

  5. I’m in Pam! What a privilege and a blessing to be able to visualise and call forth our new world. Thanks for this perfectly timed post – you’re a star shining brightly in our world and I’m super grateful for your light and your vision. Big blessings to you dear Pam!

  6. Really enjoyed your interview with the Unity gal. Shortly after listening during my breakfast, I was sending some photos to an old friend & went looking for a card…yeah same as last time we did the Daily Miracle! In my stash I found a blank card I’m sure I didn’t buy…with a very cute little hedgehog on it! Good one, FP! Still counts on the third of the month because the topic of that interview you posted today included the Quantum Hedgehogs you & Taz share!

  7. I love you Pam!

    The world is changing and I choose to believe its going to be the best its ever been 💛🌏

  8. Oh Pam, you never disappoint! I had been thinking about you the last few days, hoping you were ok and checking my email to make sure l hadn’t missed anything from you and then this. Thank you lovely lady and the gorgeous Taz. Let’s make this happen!
    Sending love, happiness and blissful outcomes to all xx

  9. It’s like doing a home remodel where all the ugly has to come out of the closets and cupboards and we dig out what’s not working then brighten and lighten the place up. That’s what I want to see. A happy, bright, loving home for everyone. I’ll keep that vision in my mind.

  10. Dear Pam, Thank you for all your uplifting newsletters! You are so right…let’s all visualise and live in the perfect world … Bless you and your beautiful daughter With love, Claire

  11. Hi Pam!
    I just read the comments about people reading this post at 222 so I checked the time myself . Yep!!! 2:22 am!!! (Woke up in the middle of the night and decided to read your blog) 🙂
    LOVE it!!! I’m totally with you also on this !!! Your the best!! 💕

  12. I just spend 16 bucks on stickers (because grown-ups want stickers too). So the next time I find myself in a sticky situation, I know it won’t be a problem but instead an opportunity for some sticky fun :p

    P.S.This whole comment section gets an imaginary sticker (or real one, when you’ve got some in the house) for doing such an excellent visionary job!

  13. I am so in! Thank you. We need these reminders from you so we stay on the path and I am grateful for them. Thank you, again!!!

  14. Dear Pam, I’ve informed my thoughts, emotions, and consciousness they ‘are being called to play the starring role in the new world that’s being born’. Thank you, I’m ready!
    With Love – Linda 💖

  15. Hey,
    I just discovered your blog post and believe me this made me smile and feel extremely good. Thank you for this.

  16. Thank you so much for all the awesome, inspiring blogs. A job offer fell through last minute; they decided to go with someone local. I asked the Big Dude to send me the perfect job and really still feel it would be a great job for me. I continue to be positive and know the Big Dude has my back. The perfect job will present it self at the perfect time. Thank you xooxoxo

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