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You gotta get high

“Self-martyrdom is bad role modeling.”–Mushim Patricia Ikedalets-get-high-seth-rogen-weedmeems

In Thank and Grow Rich, I mentioned B.J. Novak, the writer/comedian/former beau of Mindy Kaling who claims his #1 tip for fostering creativity is “be in a good mood.” He calls it “powering up,” says he wouldn’t dream of starting his day, launching his writing until he’s feeling high.

“Getting high,” although physicists don’t call it that, creates the critical mass that replicates energy. Despite what we’ve long believed, it’s not quantity (large quantities of time, of effort, of investment) that creates real change.

It’s the quality of the time, the effort and the interaction that counts.

Energetically, a high vibration is the sweet spot, the yeast that creates the ability to reimagine our relationships, our work, indeed our whole lives.

Practicing joyfulness (being high) may seem like a tiny ingredient in the scheme of your life, but it’s the yeast that makes everything expand, that makes every good thing possible.

So whatever you’re doing on this beautiful, never-to-exist again day, make it a point to first get high.

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

24 Responses

  1. Thanks Pam,
    I think it was Elizabeth Gilbert who said something along the lines that thoughts and or ideas are always floating in the ether. So if you choose to get on that frequency they will find you. You just. have. to. accept. them.
    All aboard !!!

    With love,

  2. Ooooh yeah! I particularly love this sentence: “practising joyfulness (getting high) may seem like a tiny ingredient in the scheme of your life, but it’s the yeast that makes everything expand, that makes every good thing possible.” AMEN!! Im gonna say this to myself over and over today – that joy is the yeast that makes things happen. Thanks Pam 😁

  3. 🙁 Is it possible that some people just don’t have the chemical make up for joy? Even as kids? I just don’t remember ever being happy. But I have on occasion manifested big things….in a very logical non joyful (though somewhat relieved and self satisfied) way.

  4. 🙁 Is it possible that some people just don’t have the chemical make up for joy? Even as kids? I just don’t remember ever being happy. But I have on occasion manifested big things….in a very logical non joyful (though somewhat relieved and self satisfied) way.

    1. If you don’t have the chemical make up for joy (yet), perhaps you can change it up. Sometimes joy can be found in receiving things, sometimes it can be found in giving (up) things. Give up ‘the unhappy’ (the heavy big stuff) to make room for ‘the joyful’ (hot air for that hot air-balloon that get’s you high).

  5. I finished Thank & Grow Rich a week ago and loved it so much I started it over again! I got high today by starting my day with a “today will be amazing,” texting 3 things I was grateful for, and listening to Kool & the Gang on the way to work (my favorite band as a kid). Thank you so much for your work Pam — you’ve had a hugely positive impact on my journey in the short time I’ve known about you work <3

  6. I go higher every morning in the silence, in prayer, in my course in miracle readings, and reflection ❤🌠

  7. I am grateful, Pam, for all of the times I have gotten high with you! Thank you for your guidance and inspiration. Xoxoxo

  8. As a Medium, it is imperative that we first raise our vibration in order to attract the spirit energies we wish to channel. If we are in a low frequency, it is either more difficult to pick up spirit’s voice (which is always at a super-high level) or we will experience “interference” from lower energies. So, yeah, it’s all energy and the more we work to raise ours, the more we will receive all the “goodies” the Universe has to offer…that’s just the way they work best. Sending hugs my friend.

  9. Woooohoooo!! I’m smoking what you’re smoking! In fact I’m getting high reading this post! Everything you write raises my vibe ❤️! Pam, you never cease to amaze me. I’ll get high with you any day of the week 🤪😎

  10. I’m glad you’re here to remind us all of that!!! It’s never worth getting caught up in the madness that is our world, especially right now!! It’s never a mistake to get high, stay high and bring everyone along for the ride!!

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